FOOT – Friday Open Orienteering Training is exactly that – training open to all!
So, whether you are an experienced orienteer, a fell runner wanting to improve your nav skills, a complete novice wanting to learn a new skill or a family wanting to get out together and explore – we have it covered!
Courses and Coaching
🗺 3 training courses available to suit all ages and abilities.
🙂 Coach available for novice and improver orienteers.
⏱ Timing (dibbers) will be used, and a printout of your results provided.
More info and Entries
💻 For more info visit LVO Fixtures You can enter a single training session or multiple sessions on the online form using the QR code above or HERE on this link.
Any more help needed get in touch with Ric Gamble (NI Development Officer): 07717 297676 or