There are lots of opportunities to get involved in making events happen. You’ll find information on what each role does below. Have a look at the spreadsheet at the bottom of this page to see what opportunities are available for each upcoming event. To sign up or ask questions, email
Organiser | The Event Organiser (along with the Planner and Controller) is one of the key event officials. The Organiser holds the reins for everything up to the start, and after the finish. They are responsible for Event Safety, they look after the equipment, and will co-ordinate the rest of the volunteers. They work closely with the Planner & Controller to make the whole event happen. Fancy giving it a go? Why not start with a smaller event such as a WEE Series, Spring Cup or Autumn Trophy. We can always find you a mentor to help you get started! |
Planner | The Planner (along with the Organiser and Controller) is one of the key event officials. The Planner does the courses bit! They decide where the controls go & what the courses will look like. Along with the Controller, they will visit, check & tag sites prior to the event. They’ll check the map is fair and make minor updates if required. They’ll put the controls out for the event. Fancy giving it a go? The best place to start is with an informal training (perhaps a WENT) or a WEE Series, and you can build from there. |
Controller | The Controller (along with the Organiser and Planner) is one of the key event officials. They provide guidance to the Organiser and Planner, make sure the courses meet guidelines for length and difficulty, and ensure controls are sited correctly and fairly. Fancy giving it a go? Usually you’ll already have experience of planning & organising, and you’ll then start controlling at a Spring Cup or Autumn Trophy. |
**We like to have the organisers, planners & controllers in place from the start of the year. Don’t be shy, put yourself forward, you’ll get plenty of support** | |
Access Support | This role provides support to the Organiser on access permissions. It’s the Organiser’s responsibility to make sure we have land access – and the Access Support will point you in the right direction |
Website Support | Help! How do I put a website notice up about my event, and add information about my fixture? Website Support is here to guide you if you need help. |
Map Printing | Kind of essential really. The key event officials will arrange for the maps to go to, and be collected from, the printer. |
Newcomer Welcome | A great role if you’re new to volunteering – be that friendly welcoming face on the night for new orienteers – help them get registered & started (and hopefully finished too) |
MOO (registration) | Our MOO (Mobile Orienteering Office) is the driest place on a rainy day! Learn how to use our AutoDownload software to register orienteers before their run. Usually you’ll need to arrive early for this role, and then you’ll hand over to the download team and have your own run. Tech support will be there to help if you need it |
MOO (download) | Learn how to do the all-important download & results. Usually you’ll arrive early to run, and then be back to take over the download, and check everyone is back from their courses at the end of the event. Tech support provided! |
Tech Support (early) | Once you’re comfortable with registration & download, you can provide Tech Support to guide the registration team. You’ll also support the Event Officials before the event, to load the courses into the computer, and get set up on the night |
Tech Support (late) | You can also provide Tech Support on the late shift. You’ll help troubleshoot downloads, missing runners, and results |
Starts | Another great role if you’re new to volunteering. Help everyone through the start and keep a good start list. |
MOO Tow-er | Have you got a towbar? Superb! We are on the lookout for new people to tow our beloved Mobile Orienteering Office to & from events. |
First Aid | Self-explanatory really. If you need to obtain or refresh your first aid qualificiations, let us know – we run courses periodically to keep us up to date |
Control Collector | Another great volunteer role if you’re relatively new, and don’t worry – if you’re a beginner then you’ll only be collecting the more straightforward controls! |
**We like to have these other roles in place 2 weeks before the event. Please do volunteer; your organiser will thank you!** | |
2 weeks before the event, the Volunteer Co-Ordinator sends volunteers’ contact details to the Organiser, who will then keep everyone right for the event |