I’ve been making some Facebook edits this evening, so here’s the story. Come join the social media fun 🙂
Our Public Facebook Page Lagan Valley Orienteers https://www.facebook.com/LVOrienteers/ Our face to the outside world 🙂 Over 500 likes, wow! Loads of pre-event info, training info, photos, news stories etc. Your admins are Susan Lambe, Juls Hanvey, Stephen Gilmore, Colin Smith, Mark Stephens and Stephanie Pruzina. Always room for more admins if you love all things Facebook………
Our Club Group (name change alert!) LVO Chat https://www.facebook.com/groups/laganvalleyorienteers/ Our informal Facebook group for club members. Almost 300 members in there. Everyone’s got equal posting rights, so get involved! Plenty of scope to share your ideas, news stories, photos, trips away, general banter.
Come join us in the socials world 🙂