On Saturday, in addition to the 2 NIChamps events, there will be the first instalment of the 2024 LVO TrailO Champs. It will take the form of a TempO cluster, in which the competitor, from a static position, has to decide (against the clock) which of the visible kites (or perhaps none of them) matches the given control site info (circle & description). There will be 5 kites on view and 6 decisions to be made.
The venue will be in Slemish College, in the quadrangle to the side of the main building. There will be direction signs from the college front door. I hope (!!) to be ready to receive customers (there is no entry fee) from 9:30 and keep the site running until the NIOA AGM at 12:30, so you can have a go before or after your sprint run.
Final piece of advice – make sure the magnifying glass on your compass is clean and clear!