With the first WEE event of the summer taking place last Wednesday, the hCOW spreadsheets have been dusted down to cover the 8-event WEE series. The “hCALF2024” tables will be available via the “STANDINGS” section of the website. At the moment the only entry shows the intial handicap settings for those members who finished the Long course at Ormeau. Nice to see James Ewart celebrating his selection for Lagganlia by beating all the bad guys round Ormeau! With 7 scoring events in the series it will be the best 4 results to count in both the hCOW (handicap regularity) and Regatta (handicap improvement).
Here’s a little diversion. The title “hCALF” comes about because it is run during the “WEE” series and what else can you call a “WEE hCOW” series other than “hCALF”? The term “hCOW” is an abbreviation for “honourable Company of Orienteering Walkers” but “hCALF” has no such full name. The best I can think of is “honourable Company of All the Little Friesians”. Surely the intellectual might of LVO can do better than that?