Table Update from Cavan Burren

The NISeries tables are published on the NIOA website; you can find a copy on the club site by clicking on “Resources”, “OneDrive Public”, “NISeries”, “NISeries2023.pdf”. A number of classes are already decided (it’s 4 results to count from 7); the brown women class is going down to the wire with Áine McCann and Moiré O’Sullivan sharing wins (thought for the day – does having an accented vowel in your name improve your orienteering? I think I’ll register as Álán to see if I can improve on my dismal return to colour-level events).

The colour standards table can be found by clicking on “STANDINGS”, “Colour Standards”, “Colour Standards.pdf”. There wasn’t much change to standards achieved but lots of consolidation of existing positions.

The hCOW tables can be found via “STANDINGS”, “hCOW”, “hCOW2023”. The event result “Event11Burren.pdf” shows very small event variance but a wide difference in individual variance (that’s the difference between event speed and handicap). Shows that some had a very good day while others got it very wrong, in equal measure (I was in the latter category!). Looks like Chris Colwell will head the hCOW Table (that’s points for regularity). The Handicap Table is there to let you see how you got on through the season. The Regatta Table (points for improvement on handicap) shows Bill Hopkins remaining on top although he had a dismal result on Saturday. He’s able to discard the 44 points he picked up due to having earlier achieved his 7 scores; confirms the old adage – “if you’re not in you can’t win”.

Just one event to go – 11th November at Whitespots, Newtownards.

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