We are delighted to announce we have a mighty EIGHT relay teams for the Irish Championships this coming weekend in Killarney. Good luck to everyone travelling to the weekend. We cannot wait!! Results will be online http://www.orienteering.ie/results
Susan & Olivia co-ordinate the relay teams, so you’ll need to come find them on the weekend to get bib numbers, check your team, and your running order. Be aware there are usually some last-minute reshuffles, so don’t get tooooooo attached to your new team mates in case they change.
Finally, we have space for a younger junior (up to M/W14). Do you know of anyone suitable? Even if they come from another club, it’ll make that junior team non-competitive but that’s grand, be great to make up a full junior team if we can.

I am rather flattered to be on the Mens Premier team not so sure how Paul and George feel about that (or me after three days of competition!)