NI Score Championships

Venue Donard Forest
Date Sat, 15th Feb 25
Starts 13:00 to 14:00
iCal file iCal

Event Description

šŸ–LVO are hosting both the NI Score Championships and the NI Night Championships. Any one can take part but to be eligible for a NIOA prize you need to be a present member.

Have you renewed your membership for 2025? It may take a week or so to process your renewal, so get that job ticked off now! There will be a planned intermission between the two events to allow the sun to drop for the Night Champs.

Date Saturday 15 February 2025
Venue Donard Forest
Event Format Northern Ireland Score Championships
Online Entry .
SI Entries
Online Entry closes Midnight, Monday 10 February 2025
Registration, Start and Finish TBC
Price Each event can be entered individually, or a discount for both!

Member Member Non-Member Non-Member
One Event Two Events One Event Two Events
Senior (aged 21 or over) Ā£12 Ā£20 Ā£16 Ā£25
Junior or Student Ā£6 Ā£10 Ā£8 Ā£12
Maximum charge for a family* Ā£30 Ā£50 Ā£40 Ā£62
Join a NI Club today (choose from LVO, FERMO and NWOC) and benefit from our reduced member rates for the rest of 2025.
*Family is the equivalent of 2 seniors + 1 junior.
Terrain Summary Donard Forest lies on the lower slopes of NIā€™s highest mountain and as a result the terrain is steep in places. The Glen River divides the forest with some reasonably runnable deciduous areas to the SE of the river. To the NW of the river there is dense vegetation and a significant amount of felling so to access the interesting slopes of Drinahillly there is an unavoidable section of path running.
Previous Maps/Routegadget Donard Forest was last used for a Autumn Trophy event in December 2020. Routegadget map and courses can be found here:
Course Notes The NI Score Championships will be 60min for Seniors and 45 min for Juniors, with the following classes (TBC):

M Open W Open Senior Score
M40+ W40+ Senior Score
M Super Vet 55+ W Super Vet 55+ Senior Score
M Ultra Vet 65+ W Ultra Vet 65+ Senior Score
M Junior 16- W Junior 16- Junior Score
M Junior 12- W Junior 12- Junior Score
First Aid and Safety There will be a first aid and a qualified first aider available at registration. Registration is also a safe place for lost children to wait.

Please do not come to the event if you are unwell.

Please bring and carry any medication you might need, especially inhalers and EpiPenā€™s.

If you come across an injured or ill person, please stop, help and get further help. There will likely be qualified first aiders on the course who can stop to provide support.

All participants must return to download, whether they complete the course or not. This is to account for all competitors, ensuring everyoneā€™s safe return.

Courses will close and controls collected in at 3pm sharp. If you are still out on the course at this time return to finish and download immediately.

Kit requirements Full body cover is mandatory.

A whistle (emergency alert is 6 loud blasts per minute) is mandatory.

A waterproof jacket may also be mandatory if the organisers decide the weather requires one, so bring one along just in case.

Parking Parking is in main Donard Forest carpark.
Toilets There are public toilets in Donard carpark and plenty of cafes in town.


Donard Forest
Donard Park
BT33 0HL

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To volunteer at this event please email You can find information on each role here as well as the current list of volunteers.

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