NI Middle Distance Championship

Venue Woodburn Forest – Upper Carpark
Date Sat, 24th Jul 21
Starts 14:30 to 16:00
iCal file iCal

Event Description

Lagan Valley Orienteers invite you to the Carrickfergus area for the NIOA Middle Distance Championship 2021.


Pre-entry is required. Entries is via SI Entries (entries close on Thursday 22nd July 2021 at 19:00). The entry link covers both the Sprint and Middle distance Championships, which are being held on the same day and are located close to each other.

One Event


Two Events

Non -Member

One Event

Non -Member

Two Events

Senior (aged 21 or over) £10 £16 £12 £18
Junior or Student £5 £8 £6 £9
Maximum charge for a family* £25 £40 £30 £45

*If you are entering a family and it comes to more than the rates in the bottom row then please contact the organiser after you have paid for the individual Senior, or Junior/Student entries and we will arrange a refund of the difference. Parents accompanying children go free. If you enter both events you will get a series discount.


Please note carefully the COVID measures described in the online entry form.

Start Windows

To reduce the congregation of people at the start there are start windows of 15 minutes. Please indicate which start window you prefer when entering. Starts are from 14:30 to 16:00.


Registration is not required if using your own SI Card – proceed directly to start. Hire cards can be collected from the Organiser at the download car.

Course Closure

Courses close 17.30.


Course TD Length Climb Classes (Men) Classes (Women)
1 5 5.0 km 60m M Open
2 5 4.6 km 60m M40+ W Open
3 5 3.8 km 45m M55+ (Super Vet) W40+
4 5 3.0 km 45m M65+ (Ultra Vet) W55+ (Super Vet)
W65+ (Ultra Vet)
5 4 2.8 km 35m M16- W16-
6 2 1.5 km 25m M12- W12-

EYOC / JWOC / JHI Selection Race

NIOA and IOA Juniors seeking selection for EYOC, JWOC or JHI should enter this event as per the courses below but select any Start Window. Then contact Stephanie Pruzina for reallocation to the selection race start window (14:00-14:29).

  • M20, M18 enter M Open (Course 1)
  • M16 enter M40+ (Course 2)
  • W20, W18 enter W Open (Course 2)
  • W16 enter W40+ (Course 3)
  • M14 and W14 enter M/W 16- (Course 5)


The map, which is at a scale of 1:10000 with 5m contour interval, was surveyed by Bill Simpson in August 2015 and updated by him in March 2016 and February 2017.

Terrain notes

The forest surrounds a large reservoir and consists of large areas of mainly Sitka Spruce plantation with some smaller patches of deciduous wood. There are numerous ditches and earth banks throughout and several areas of windblown. There is a good network of forest roads throughout. There are also many motorcycle tracks which are often muddy and wet with lying water. Since these tracks vary in use not all are mapped. Some areas to the south have not been used for some time but will feature on the longer courses.

NOTE: Full leg cover is advised.


The event will be SI Air enabled. SI timing card hire is free but lost cards are charged at a replacement cost of £30.


On leads only.


Toilets will be available in the church hall. When using the facility, please follow Covid safety protocols as guided.


  • Planner – Richard Vasey
  • Controller – Wilbert Hollinger
  • Organiser – Aileen McCarron


The assembly and car parking will be adjacent to Woodburn Presbyterian Church, 92 Woodburn Road, Carrickfergus, BT38 9AB. Follow the Woodburn Road from Carrickfergus or the Seskin Road from Straid.


Woodburn Forest – Upper Carpark
190 Woodburn Road
BT38 9AB

Loading Map....


To volunteer at this event please email You can find information on each role here as well as the current list of volunteers.

5 Replies to “NI Middle Distance Championship”

  1. Hi guys SI entries does not seem to allow me to book the Middle Distance as no slots left … seems to be the case for all classes as the sprint seems to be ok to book a slot.

    1. Hi John
      I am looking into this with the person responsible for SIEntries and will hopefully get back to you shortly.

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