Venue Hillsborough Forest
Date Sat, 7th Nov 26
Starts 12:00 to 15:30
iCal file iCal
Event Description
Date | Saturday 7 November 2026 |
Venue | Hillsborough Forest |
Event Format | Autumn Trophy (Club Event) |
Online Entry | . |
SI Entries | |
Online Entry closes | Midnight, Monday 2 November 2026 |
Registration, Start and Finish | TBC |
Price | Adult (aged 21 & over) £8 (£10 non-member). Junior/Student £4 (£5 non-member). Maximum charge for a family £20 (£25 non-members). Sociable group / family fee where all are going round a course together – entry fee is per required number of maps – one entry = one map. There is no fee to hire an SI card if required, but lost cards are charged at £30. |
Terrain Summary | The forest is in good shape but some areas of undergrowth have not yet died down. Much of the pine forest is open for fast running, although care should be taken running over the exposed tree roots, especially on paths if there has been any rain. The worst of the undergrowth has been added as a green screen on the map and courses planned to permit straight red line running, but competitors are urged to look up and ahead in case of unexpected blockage!! |
Previous Maps/Routegadget | This area was last used for a Spring Cup event in April 2023. Routegadget map and courses can be found here: |
Course Notes | 🟡 Yellow – km + m climb – along paths with more route choice decisions. Appropriate for newcomers and younger juniors with some experience. 🟠 Orange – km + m climb – skills needed to navigate away from paths and more route choice decisions, some compass skills are expected. Aimed at novice adults and improving juniors. 🟢 Light Green – km + m climb – this course requires confident map reading and compass skills. 🔵 Short Blue – km + m climb – technically and physically demanding course. |
First Aid and Safety | Watch out for other park users, including dog walkers, bikers and golfers.
There will be a first aid and a qualified first aider available at registration. Registration is also a safe place for lost children to wait. Please do not come to the event if you are unwell. Please bring and carry any medication you might need, especially inhalers and EpiPen’s. If you come across an injured or ill person, please stop, help and get further help. There will likely be qualified first aiders on the course who can stop to provide support. All participants must return to download, whether they complete the course or not. This is to account for all competitors, ensuring everyone’s safe return. Courses will close and controls collected in at 3pm sharp. If you are still out on the course at this time return to finish and download immediately. |
Kit requirements | Full body cover is mandatory.
A whistle (emergency alert is 6 loud blasts per minute) is mandatory. A waterproof jacket may also be mandatory if the organisers decide the weather requires one, so bring one along just in case. |
Parking | TBC |
Toilets | HRP is responsible for toilet facilities at the Fort and Courthouse and have them shut at the moment. However, the toilets at Main Street car park and the forest play area in the park will be open. |
Hillsborough Forest
Park Street
BT26 6DP
To volunteer at this event please email You can find information on each role here as well as the current list of volunteers.