WEE Photos

The photos from WEE 5 in Belfast Castle and WEE 6 in Jordanstown are here. As usual, if you want a photo removed let me (Philip) know at publicity@niorienteering.org.uk

Unavailability of Map Printing Service

The LVO Map Printing Service will be unavailable from Friday 19th June until Sunday 28th June and from Wednesday 29th July until Monday 10th August, all dates inclusive.  Would WEE Planners and Organisers please take note?

Stile party

A number of stiles need to be erected on Slieve Croob for the Irish Championship event and a work party will be constructing them next Friday 17 April. We need a number of volunteers to carry materials to the locations of the stiles and to assist with their construction. It should be pointed out that anyone who takes part may have to declare themselves as non-competitive if they are a championship contender. The party will assemble at the Equestrian Centre on the Slievenisky Road at 10.00am.