It’s been quite a while, but it’s time… It’s time for some Mental Stimulation.
I’m going to reach in, grab hold of the contents ( if present ), give it a shake and then pop the lid back on.
Yes; It’s time for some Urban Orienteering!
OCO Cordially invite you all to an afternoon of mental massage around the paths and green spaces of Craigavon South.
This Event will be the second leg of this year’s NI Urban League and consequently I wouldn’t want to disappoint any of you Urban fans. For your delight we will be using a newly extended map ( as if you need any more stress ) and as ever, I’m planning all the fun. I’m laughing already.
For full event details please see either the OCO FB page or the LVO Fixture List. Entries are now open on SIEntries.
See you there!