WEE 8 Six Mile Water

Venue Sixmile Water
Date Wed, 23rd Jun 21
Starts 18:30 to 19:45
iCal file iCal

Event Description

  1. Event details
  • Online entry only at https://www.sientries.co.uk/
  • Entries go live on Friday 18 June 2021 at 18:00. Entries close on Tuesday 22 June 2021 at 18:00.
  • Entry is available to all comers, both LVO members and non-members.
  • There will be two courses, Short and Long.
Entry Fees
Senior (Age class 21 and over)      £5

Junior / Student                               £3

Maximum charge for a family      £13*

*If you are entering a family and it comes to more than £13 then please contact the organiser after you have paid for the individual Senior, or Junior/Student entries and we will arrange refund of the difference. Parents accompanying children go free.

SI timing card hire is free but are charged at replacement cost £30 if lost.

Parking is free in the main car park

Registration – Not required if using own SI Card – proceed directly to start. Hire cards can be collected from the Organiser at the download car.

Starts – There will be two Start Areas (Long and Short) approx. 5m apart. Start times are in 15min blocks with up to 14 runners at each start area.

Finish & Download: There will be two Finish Areas (Long & Short) at least 10m apart. After finishing proceed to the Download car and then go home. Please do not loiter.

Coronavirus Safety Measures

A number of measures have been put in place to provide for 2m Social Distancing and ensure your safety throughout this activity. Here is a link to the British Orienteering Participant Code of Conduct which all participants are expected to have read beforehand and adhere to.

The main aspects for this event we would like you to pay attention to are:

  • Start Times are pre-allocated in 15min blocks so that we can minimise the number of people at the various stages of the event. Please time your arrival so that you can get to your start just in time
  • During the event please use the hand sanitisers provided to maintain hygiene
  • Do not touch the SI Control boxes except with the SI Card
  • During the race please be aware of who is around you and try to maintain distance especially when approaching Controls
  • As we are using public parks please be mindful of other park users and give them space
  • Please minimise pre and post-activity socialising and maintain your distance
  • Car sharing (except for household bubbles) is not permitted to and from the event

IMPORTANT You MUST NOT attend the activity if:

  • You are unwell with a cough, fever or have had other Covid symptoms or tested positive for Covid-19 within the last 10 days
  • You have been in close contact with anyone who is suspected of or confirmed as having Covid-19 in the 10 days before this event
  • You are supposed to be Self Isolating or are undergoing testing for suspected Coronavirus
  • You have been outside of Northern Ireland within the last 10 days **EXCEPT from exempted countries  – See https://www.nidirect.gov.uk/articles/coronavirus-covid-19-travel-advice for the current rules .

If you have a condition that makes you Clinically Vulnerable, please follow current government and medical advice before registering.

If you need to withdraw your entry due to Coronavirus restrictions we will refund your entry fee on request.

In the the event that regulations change and we have to cancel the event we will refund entry fees.


Sixmile Water
Mill Road

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To volunteer at this event please email volunteer@lvo.org.uk. You can find information on each role here as well as the current list of volunteers.

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