Venue Gosford Forest
Date Sat, 23rd Jan 27
Starts 11:30 to 12:30
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Event Description
Date | Saturday 23 January 2027 (TBC) | ||||||||||||
Venue | Gosford Forest | ||||||||||||
Event Format | Club Score Championship
Anyone can enter and enjoy a run but only current LVO members can be classified as eligible/competitive for the title of Club Score Champion. Note: membership renewal is due on the 1st January! If you are fairly new to orienteering, don’t let the sound of club championship put you off – there are 3 different courses to choose from and you are welcome to run round as a pair or family/friendship group (although to be deemed competitive you need to enter as an individual). ⏰ A score event is different to a normal cross country orienteering event in that, there are a number of controls which you can visit in any order you wish within a set time. Controls may be worth different values and it is very unlikely that you will be able to visit them all. So, you will need to plan your best route to get back before the set time. Lateness back will bring point penalties. |
Online Entry | .![]() |
SI Entries | ![]() ![]() |
Online Entry closes | Midnight, Monday 18 January 2027 | ||||||||||||
Registration, Start and Finish | TBC
Registration open from 10:45 – 11:30am. There will be an event briefing for everyone in the car park at 11:30am sharp. |
Price |
Sociable group / family fee where all are going round a course together – entry fee is per required number of maps – one entry = one map. *Member of BOF Clubs only. Get Annual Membership today and experience the membership benefits including the member rate! There is no fee to hire an SI card if required, but lost cards are charged at £30. |
Terrain Summary | The walled forest has been a great draw in recent years with the development of mountain bike trails and iconic adventure playground zones, so as well as bikers, be prepared to meet giants, castles and mythical creatures. Expect the place to be busy. The Estate covers an area of 240 hectares and its various owners have all had an impact on the place, whether it was the Acheson’s and Earl’s of Gosford who built the Castle, created the Deer Park, used the ponds to power a corn mill, or planted the Arboretum which contains many record trees; the US army who are responsible for the firing range and the remains of several gun emplacements; the German POW’s who built the small round tower in the main car park; to the Forestry Service who created several plantations; and to the present owners ABC Council who have added the MTB Trails and Play Zones. While mostly conifer, the Forest contains some beautiful huge specimen trees, and some lovely runnable beech and oak plantations. You may even find your path littered with expanses of wild garlic in some places too. | ||||||||||||
Previous Maps/Routegadget | This area was last used for a LVO Autumn Trophy event in October 2023. Routegadget map and courses can be found here: | ||||||||||||
Course Notes | TBC
1️⃣ Young Junior Course 1 is suitable for Primary School Children – courses stick close to paths, and the use of a compass is not necessary (technical difficulty 2). This is the MW8/10 Championship course and has a time limit of 30 minutes. 2️⃣ Junior/Novice Senior Course 2 is suitable for improving Juniors and novice adults – the ability to use compass and navigate away from paths is needed (technical difficulty 3/4). This is the MW12/14 Championship Course and also has a time limit of 45 minutes. 3️⃣ Senior Course 3 is suitable for competent orienteers (technical difficulty 4/5). Some controls will be placed far away and in physically and technically challenging terrain. This is the Senior Championship course for MW16s and over only. This course has a time limit of 60 minutes. Time penalties – for every minute/part minute you are late you will be deducted 10 points on Course 1 and 20 points for courses 2 and 3. |
First Aid and Safety | Please respect any impassable walls and fences, warning signs and hatched purple areas. Look out for and give way to other forest users, especially mountain bikers. Please be careful around water features, there is some deep water, lakes/pools and steep banks near rivers/streams. Also take care in the car-park and forest roads where it is always busy, although courses are planned to avoid any issues.
There will be a first aid and a qualified first aider available at registration. Registration is also a safe place for lost children to wait. Please do not come to the event if you are unwell. Please bring and carry any medication you might need, especially inhalers and EpiPen’s. If you come across an injured or ill person, please stop, help and get further help. There will likely be qualified first aiders on the course who can stop to provide support. All participants must return to download, whether they complete the course or not. This is to account for all competitors, ensuring everyone’s safe return. Courses will close and controls collected in at 12.30pm sharp. If you are still out on the course at this time return to finish and download immediately. |
Kit requirements | Full body cover is mandatory.
A whistle (emergency alert is 6 loud blasts per minute) is mandatory. A waterproof jacket may also be mandatory if the organisers decide the weather requires one, so bring one along just in case. |
Parking | We will be using the overflow car-park. Pass the main car park and follow the signs towards the lower deer park. At the first junction turn right, immediately after the buildings on your left turn right into the overflow parking field. It is very close to registration/download which is in a nearby building.
Please note there will be a charge for parking unless you have a valid Gosford Park Permit. Fees are as per the Gosford Forest website (cars are £5). Please consider car-sharing. |
Toilets | Toilets are located beside the playground, near the main carpark. |
Gosford Forest
Gosford Forest
BT60 1GD
To volunteer at this event please email You can find information on each role here as well as the current list of volunteers.