British TrailO Champs – Armagh

Venue Armagh, Palace Demesne
Date Sat, 6th May 23
Starts 17:00 to 19:00
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Event Description

The British TrailO Championships (BTOC/PreO) will be held in Armagh City on Saturday 6th May in the evening following the British Sprint Finals.

The venue: will be Armagh Palace Demesne, a public park within walking distance of the City centre and the BC Sprints Arena.

Starts: From 17:00

Map Scale: 1:4000 with 2.5m contours.

Terrain: Undulating open parkland with mature trees, woodland paths and formal gardens surrounding the palace and stables.

Classes & Entry Fees:

  • Elite – Open, Physically Challenged (Senior & Junior)
      • Senior £12, Junior £6
  • Standard – Open, Physically Challenged (Senior & Junior)
      • Senior £10, Junior £5

Eligibility – The Championships are open to members of the British Orienteering Federation and to members of overseas IOF affiliated Federations.

To be eligible to be a British Champion, an individual senior competitor must on the day immediately preceding the day of competition in question be a member of British Orienteering and:
• be a British citizen.
• have been a member of British Orienteering in each of the three membership years preceding the year of the competition.

For Juniors who are not British citizens, the membership criteria will be as specified below:

10 or under on 31st December 2023 – Member on day before the day of competition and in previous 6 months.
11 or under on 31st December 2023 – Member on day before the day of competition and in previous year.
12 or under on 31st December 2023 – Member on day before the day of competition and in previous two years.
13 and over, same requirements as seniors – see rule 2.1.2 of the British Orienteering Rules.

This event is organised in accordance the rules and guidelines for TrailO as specified by British Orienteering here.

SI Cards  – will be used for timing and may be borrowed at Registration

Parking – TBC

Pre-Entry via SI Entries only – No entry on the day.

Enter British Trail O Championships via SI Entries

Entries Close: Tuesday 11th April

Cancelations & Refunds  – See policy on SI Entries for details

This event is part of a week long festival of orienteering on the Emerald Isle. You can find out all about the other events here on the Emerald Isle festival website.


Armagh, Palace Demesne
The Palace
BT60 4EL

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To volunteer at this event please email You can find information on each role here as well as the current list of volunteers.

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