Huge effort from volunteers

To all of you who helped at the NIOA Score and Night Champs yesterday, a huge thank you for all your efforts. One of the major threats to the existence of the club is getting enough volunteers signed up early enough that we can run the programme of events that you all enjoy. Running two events in one day was a real challenge, but the membership responded brilliantly.

Thanks to our friends in NWOC and FERMO for coming along to support the events and giving us a bit of your craic.

For the events, the only blip I’m aware of is that Eibhlin Largey accidentally got the wrong map on the Night Champs (so she ‘won’ and was the only female competitor on Course A ). All of the results are now at

A very special thank you to Sam Sedgewick, Boy’s Brigade volunteer, who despite having been on duty since 8:30 am was still there cleaning the floor when we left at 8:45 pm. The BB Activity Centre is a really nice facility which I hope we can use again. We hope also that we can welcome BB members to some future events.

I am enormously thankful to everybody on the list below, but special mention has to be made of:

  • The Control collectors (Trevor Murphy, Heather Cairns, Fred Hamond, Bill Simpson and Billy Reed for the Score, Sam McNeilly, Conor McKernon, Frazier Howe, Billy Reed and Bill Simpson for the Nights) who braved pretty brutal conditions in the dark
  • Mark Pruzina who kept the IT running and made sure we ran a safe event
  • Fred and Bill for putting on a great event and Bill for a spanking new map

My apologies if I missed anybody. Let me know and I’ll correct it.

The Role of Honour

Planner Bill Simpson & Fred Hamond
Controller Bill Simpson & Fred Hamond
Access Support Harry Bell
Website Support Jeff Johnston
Map Printing Alan Gartside
MOO (registration 1) Score: Anne Bell

Night: Gavin Cairns

MOO (registration 2) Score: Dee Orwin
MOO (download 1) Score: Cecil Armstrong

Night: Bill Simpson

Tech Support (early) M Pruzina
Tech Support (late) S Lambe
Starts 1 Score: Bill Simpson & Fred Hamond

Nights: Daphne Hamond

MOO Tow-er (to) Gordon Stephens
MOO Tow-er (from) Stephen Gilmore
First Aid Gordon Stephens, Cecil Armstrong
Control Collector Score: Trevor Murphy, Heather Cairns, Fred Hamond, Bill Simpson, Billy Reed

Nights: Sam McNeilly, Conor McKernon, Frazier Howe, Billy Reed, Bill Simpson

Cecil Armstrong


One Reply to “Huge effort from volunteers”

  1. Can I reiterate Stephen’s thanks to all concerned (and not forgetting Harry Bell and Cecil Armstrong on the putting out and collecting); and to the competitors, most of whom made short work of the systematic-random distribution of controls over the entire map!

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