A WEE Thank-you!!!

And so this year’s summer season has come to an end. Fourteen events over four months with an extra one thrown-in during July and one cancelled at short notice in August, and Trevor Murphy went to them all!! There’s been a mixture of some good new areas as well as some firm old favorites. I’ll be the first to admit it’s been a messy series this year as we have tried various things in an effort to look to the future. Some good, some not-so, some have worked, some haven’t and I know not everybody has liked the changes, but they were all tried in good faith, as we’ve looked at putting on more technical courses, providing coaching, the effect of the levies we pay, and reducing the need for volunteers, but I hope you have still all enjoyed your runs, despite our tinkering. As you all know our sport is put on entirely by volunteers and without them you wouldn’t be enjoying your sport.  At times we struggle to muster the troops, and so now is a great time to pay homage to all those who have helped out during the summer. I don’t really want to say a wee thank-you, but a MASSIVE THANK-YOU to everybody who has helped out at this year’s WEE Series, whether you’ve collected a control, sat in the Moo or manned the starts for the first time, or perhaps been even braver and tried your hand at mapping, organising or planning. Without you we wouldn’t have a sport so thank you one and all!!!!!

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