WEE Series 2017

As I’m sure you are all aware, we are now only 1 week away from the start of May ( where has the year gone?! ) and consequently the start of this year’s WEE Series! This year some of you may notice a few changes to the WEE from previous years as I have been allowed to stir the pot a little: I have been granted permission to tinker at a few events…

For the whole month of June, but starting in May at Craigavon, there will be an additional course for the more experienced to try their hand at. The aim of this is to give members, who wish, more of a challenge by providing them with a course offering a little more technical practice / training, mixed with a little fun. The courses offered may be a mix of corridor, window, sprint, score of some sort, and map memory, or just plain fun, depending on the area being used, but all will be designed to either give members a little more practice in refining already used skills or will help some to progress to the next level if they so wish.

For those who love the WEE as it is: Don’t worry!! You can carry on as normal! But for those who might want to try something a little different please note the extra course ( Course 3 ) when entering in advance online.

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